WELCOME to the lesson program for Delaney Stables. We are delighted that you’re interested in allowing us to help you with your equine dreams.
Delaney Stables is a full service facility that is fully insured and has highly qualified instruction. We offer a lot of diversity for the person just starting to get acquainted with horses to the more advanced rider looking for help with a horse of their own.
Delaney Stables offers lessons in the English style of riding for adults and children. Students start with a private evaluation lesson that introduces them to the barn, grooming tools, and horses. From this evaluation, decisions and recommendations can be made to continue the students’ enjoyment and education with horses. Costs range from $30 to $80. Recommendations for what might be suitable depend on the age and ability of the student and their scheduling flexibility.
School horses are available for teaching lessons Tuesdays through Sundays with lessons being offered in the evenings when time is available. As the student’s interest grows, there are opportunities to lease or buy horses, attend clinics or shows, and become a working student.
Horsemanship Lessons
The horsemanship program teaches all aspects of equine care as well as riding. This is a wonderful introductory program for anyone interested in learning more about horses. This program can be a shared experience between friends and family members and is a prerequisite to the riding program.
Riding lessons
When a student masters the basics of horsemanship, they are welcome to come early to prepare the horse for riding and have the full lesson time dedicated to riding.
Head Instructor
- 45 minutes, private, $75
- 45 minute, 2+ students and horses, $60
Assistant Instructor (when available)
- 45 minutes, private, $65
- 45 minute, shared, 2 students, 1 horse, $75
- 30 minute introductory lesson, $50
Call or email for more information or to schedule a lesson.
Group Lessons & After School Program
These programs includes everything in a horsemanship lesson like grooming, tacking-up, riding, leading, and cleaning-up for a small group of people and are offered in sessions. Here is the 2024 schedule for the After School Programs.
Little’s Days, check back in the spring for dates
Have your kids been talking horses non-stop? Interested in a fun Holiday or Birthday gift? Want to be involved with their dream?
Join us for this wonderful introduction to horses. They can groom, or lead, or clean hooves, or ride in these 15 ($15) or 30 ($30) minute sessions designed to introduce 3-8 year olds to horses.
Email us to be put on the reminders list or for a cute card to give as a promise for the present. DelaneyStables@gmail.com
Adult’s Days, check back in the spring for dates
Adult Day is focused on people aged 8 to 80. It is a great introduction to horses and horsemanship that allows you to interact with these wonderful beings in a safe and friendly environment.
Call or email to schedule a time. Not sure when you can get here? Walk-ins are also welcome.
Everyone welcome for horsemanship. Weight limit 225 pounds for riding.
Only closed toed shoes in the barn.
Cash or check only. 15 minutes, $15, 30 minutes, $30.
A legal guardian needs to sign the form if under 18. Email if you would like the form.
What to wear
Riding helmets and boots with clearly defined heels are required for anyone interested in riding. All riders are required to have their own horseback riding helmet.
Anyone who would like to be around the horses or hang out in the barn is required to have closed toed shoes.
All riders are required to have shirts with at least short-sleeves and long pants.
These requirements are in place for your protection as well as ours and we appreciate your compliance!

Jill literally got me back in the saddle. After a bad riding accident, my heart so needed to reconnect with horses, but my body and confidence had both been shattered. The bones had healed, but I barely had the strength to throw my leg over a horse’s back. Fear had me clamping into a rigid crab’s pose at the slightest loss of balance. Somehow, Jill found something that first day to build on, as she did the next lesson, and the next, and the next. She paired me with her solid, honest, school ponies. She kept me moving through my fear. As my body has slowly healed and my strength and confidence gradually return, she continues to scaffold each step forward with skill, and a masterful sense of timing, anticipating when I need kind support or a no-nonsense nudge. I am beginning to find my way again in an avocation I love with all my heart, but was uncertain I could continue. There are many horse people out in the world. But Jill is a truly gifted and intuitive teacher. Horse centered, student centered, I cannot recommend her more highly.
Julie Burchstead