Delaney Stables is a 17-stall barn with a beautiful indoor arena. The barn was designed for a good flow of working spaces. The moment you drive up the hill and see horses in their paddocks you can feel the contentment. When you park at the end of the barn you can walk through the barn aisle to greet all the horses. The tack room is located between the stables and the arena as an easy place to organize yourself while seeing what is happening in the arena. And the arena is one of the best indoor working spaces around!
Once you are at the facility you are a welcome part of DS family and receive discounts on lessons, coaching, and training.
Barn features include:
Beautiful indoor arena with rubber footing
Wash stall
Tack room (heated!)
Miles and miles of dirt roads and trails
GMHA is a 20 minute trailer ride away
Quiet and peaceful

Delaney Stables is an outstanding facility!
Jill so cares about every horse and every rider and offers outstanding and thoughtful instruction to all levels.
Happy horses and happy riders make for a very happy barn!
Brucie Hubbell